Detect3D is the only validated fire and gas mapping software on the market. As the calculations performed by Detect3D are geometric in nature, the validation needed only to be a purely numerical exercise. No actual predictions about fires or gas leaks are made at any point in the software, so physical validation would be inconsistent with mapping calculations.
A series of test cases were defined, and coverage was calculated for each case using hand-calculations or third-party solid modeling software. Flame and gas detector (both point and open path) coverage was tested. The internal/external point calculation (equipment volume) was also tested for both simple and complex shapes. Aspects of the software affecting accuracy, such as ray casting resolution and point cloud spacing, were also investigated.
In all cases, the absolute error for coverage was less than 1%. This is well within the accuracy required for all fire and gas mapping projects, and provides our users with high confidence that the results produced by Detect3D are accurate.
Insight Numerics is committed to openness and transparency, and as a demonstration of this, took the unique step of making all the validation data public, including all the test cases. Visit the Detect3D Downloads page to view the full validation report, which includes a link to download the raw data.
Additionally, Insight Numerics worked with JGC to study partially obstructed flames in regards to fire mapping. The results of this study was presented at the FABIG TM99 in Aberdeen and London in 2019.