Leak Definition
Define sets of leaks at a time using the risk manager. Locations, hole size, inventory, pressure, temperature and frequency can all be edited individually or in bulk.
Wind Rose Setup
Enter the environmental conditions of wind directions and wind speeds to generate the wind rose data for the assessment.

Run 1000 simulations in less than 2 days
Once all inputs have been set, simulation cases can be divided up to be run on multiple solver files using our ifx:Solve software. Pairing this capability with cloud based virtual machines enables user to quickly scale up projects solving more cases in shorter time frames for tighter schedules.
Exceedance Contours
When simulations have complete, users can incorporate the calculated volume of flammable mass as the consequence to calculate the risk of each case simulated. Contours and isosurfaces can be defined to view the exceedance above various LFL or ppm values, e.g. 20% LFL based on the risk, frequency or number of scenarios.

Optimize Gas Detectors Based on Risk
Taking existing or plausible detector locations, in:Flux can provide optimized layouts to maximize cases “covered.” Plots of detector counts vs percent coverage are provided enabling cost-benefit analysis of detector counts to be assessed.